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Counseling Services

Counseling Services

Welcome Brockport Families and students! My name is Miss Hume, and I am the counselor at the Barclay School. 

Role of the School Counselor:

The role of the school counselor is to support and advocate for ALL students. This means working with students, parents, teachers, and outside resources to assure that students social-emotional and academic needs are being met. It is our goal at the Barclay School to provide all students with the necessary opportunities to have a successful life inside and outside of the classroom.   

As the counselor of the Barclay School, it is my job to assure that all students have access to counseling services, while accommodating to the specific needs of each student. Services of the school counselor are usually performed in the form of individual counseling, group counseling, classroom lessons, safety lessons, crisis response, consultation, and home/school Communication.


The referral process may come from several different people. Students can come and speak with the school counselor if they feel that they need some extra support, teachers can refer students whom they feel may need extra supports based on what they see in the classroom, and parents may refer their children based on needs they see outside of the classroom. 

Topics that school counselors can help with:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Big Deals & Little Deals
  • Bullying
  • Character Education
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Empathy
  • Friendship
  • Goal setting
  • Growth/Fixed Mindset
  • Kindness
  • Loss
  • Mindfulness
  • Peer Pressure
  • Peer Relationships
  • Perseverance
  • Personal Safety
  • Self-Esteem